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Our work would not be possible without great support from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as well as the following agencies:

National Institutes of Health


(R35GM139587, PI)

(R15EB031388, co-I)

(1R15CA274238, co-I)


(R21EB032640, MPI, Contact PI)

(R01NS111037, co-I)

(R01GM120487, PI)

(R03EB027910, co-I)


National Science Foundation 


(DMR2203946, MPI, Lead PI)

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FY2019 Stage II Inter-institutional Planning Grant (IPG) Award

Targeted Research Internal Seed Program (TRISP)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

IPG Award.png

FY2020 Stage II Inter-institutional Planning Grant (IPG) Award

UNC Charlotte Faculty Research Grant

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Project SEED

American Chemical Society

Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science (CBES)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

The São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration (SPRINT)

(17/50029-6, PI Abroad)

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